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The block printing process
Tag along on a journey with us to Jaipur, India, and see how our designs come to life.

Whether it's from the creative minds of local artisans in India, or our own, it all starts with a sketch. The prints are drawn out, transferred onto the computer for final tweaks, then printed out to be traced onto a wooden block.

Step 2
Once the design has been traced, the block is then carved out for printing. Because each block can only print one color at a time, if a print has 5 colors, 5 different blocks need to be made so each color shows up in its correct place when printed.

Step 3
The most exciting part - seeing the design come to life. Once all the blocks are made, the dyes are mixed, and the printing starts, all by hand, with only rulers or the naked eye used for precision.
After the printing is complete, the fabric is washed, dried outside under the natural sunlight, cut, sewn, and made for you to wear.